Emergency Health Awareness Alert

Many people don’t investigate what’s really in the products they swallow. When something is sold as an herb, vitamin, superfood or supplement, they think it’s automatically safe. And while the natural products industry has a truly remarkable safety record—especially in contrast to the massive number of deaths caused by pharmaceuticals—it still suffers from a lot…Read more Emergency Health Awareness Alert

SPECIAL REPORT: Vernal Equinox Fast

SPECIAL REPORT:  Fasting  A Natural Cure Vernal Equinox Nutritional Fast includes Only liquid nutrition, herbal tonics, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, and of course plenty of pure water. Medical science new classifies 4,000 different diseases and ailments which afflict humanity. The more complex and artificial our life becomes, the more diseases arise to burden and…Read more SPECIAL REPORT: Vernal Equinox Fast

Vemma Nutrition: Results for African Americans

RESULTS are facts.  The fact is Vemma gets nutrition into the blood stream. Based on the results, Vemma is shown to be highly bioavailable and provides: Enhanced immunity Increased vitamins and antioxidants in the blood Increased overall health status Lowering of C-reactive protein Increased ORAC blood levels for 6 hours after intake See the Human…Read more Vemma Nutrition: Results for African Americans

Anemia: What my Mom did about it.

Winter seems to be a time when we get questions about Iron deficiency.  I heard it is the most wide spread nutrient deficiency in the Western world.  My mom could always tell by the dark circles under the eyes, lack of energy and complaints of being chilly all the time under all those clothes.  Through…Read more Anemia: What my Mom did about it.