10 Day NO Meat Challenge – No Fish, No Beef, No Chicken, Oh My

Peaceful Greetings Precious Ones! Why am I taking the 10 Day No Meat Challenge?  Here's the story... Single has been my status for a long time. Focusing on my calling to grow people into their healing and driven by my purposeful life I was not interested in dating. Following an inner urge from the Cosmic…Read more 10 Day NO Meat Challenge – No Fish, No Beef, No Chicken, Oh My

SPECIAL REPORT: Vernal Equinox Fast

SPECIAL REPORT:  Fasting  A Natural Cure Vernal Equinox Nutritional Fast includes Only liquid nutrition, herbal tonics, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, and of course plenty of pure water. Medical science new classifies 4,000 different diseases and ailments which afflict humanity. The more complex and artificial our life becomes, the more diseases arise to burden and…Read more SPECIAL REPORT: Vernal Equinox Fast

Testosterone Robbers

What happened? Action man has become inaction man. Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is the key player in the who stole the testosterone mystery. It grabs the hormone and runs, and won't let go. The more SHBG, the less free, active, "bioavailable" testosterone can get out into the blood and then to the cells to…Read more Testosterone Robbers