SPECIAL REPORT: Vernal Equinox Fast

SPECIAL REPORT:  Fasting  A Natural Cure Vernal Equinox Nutritional Fast includes Only liquid nutrition, herbal tonics, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, and of course plenty of pure water. Medical science new classifies 4,000 different diseases and ailments which afflict humanity. The more complex and artificial our life becomes, the more diseases arise to burden and…Read more SPECIAL REPORT: Vernal Equinox Fast

The Natural Healing Voice

The Natural Healing Voice of the Soul of Mother Earth, Speaks - The Oneness Lifestyle is a state of well-BEING, it starts in the heart and mind as Divine Love and Spiritual Wisdom. Focus is not on the outer self, which is food & body conscious, but rather it is consciously directed on the Inner…Read more The Natural Healing Voice

Inner Essence Lesson #9

One of the great needs of individuals, and even of sincere students today, is to feel the necessity of giving time morning and evening to sincere meditation: to the stilling of the outer activity that the Inner Essence, The God Presence may come forth unobstructed. Meditation really means - feeling - the Active Presence of…Read more Inner Essence Lesson #9