10 Day NO Meat Challenge – No Fish, No Beef, No Chicken, Oh My

Peaceful Greetings Precious Ones! Why am I taking the 10 Day No Meat Challenge?  Here's the story... Single has been my status for a long time. Focusing on my calling to grow people into their healing and driven by my purposeful life I was not interested in dating. Following an inner urge from the Cosmic…Read more 10 Day NO Meat Challenge – No Fish, No Beef, No Chicken, Oh My

Perfecting Health Tips: My journey to learn everything natural.

At age 14 in the early 1970s I un-coverd a natural way to get rid of my own health conditions and my journey began. My Oneness Lifestyle Design in Action.  Tips included for a starter program.  As a teen model there was nothing worse to me than having outbreaks and never knowing where to expect…Read more Perfecting Health Tips: My journey to learn everything natural.