Higher Octaves Of Healing Light

Cosmic Currents of Energy, I know sounds like science fiction.  However, I tell you the truth, yes it is science, non-fiction science.  There is no debate that on December 21, 2012 the planets aligned in the heavens like the stroke on the hour of a giant clock. The display was of galactic proportion as are…Read more Higher Octaves Of Healing Light

Natural Hair Formulation Expert Answers: What exactly is Natural Hair?

Recently, I was asked to formulate natural hair care products for our toxin-free personal care line.  Wearing my second crop of hip length Locs myself, surely this would be a piece of cake, I thought.  Turns out the first thing I had to do was find out exactly what "natural hair" is. Seems simple enough,…Read more Natural Hair Formulation Expert Answers: What exactly is Natural Hair?