Children’s Health Vemma NEXT also inclu

Children’s Health
Vemma NEXT also includes new ingredients targeted specifically for children:

DHA – an all-natural, vegetarian source of omega-3 fatty acid known for brain and eye support.* Choline also aids in brain development.*
Quercetin – a group of flavonoids that give many fruits and vegetables their coloring. An antioxidant perfect for growing bodies.*
Phytonutrient extracts of 14 organic fruits and veggies for those children who don’t get enough.

Unfortunately, many children have poor eating habits, often eating junk foods and even skipping meals. The result is a shortfall of balanced nutrition that growing bodies depend on for development.

Vemma NEXT can give you peace of mind knowing your child is getting an enhanced full spectrum of vitamins, antioxidants and over 65 plant-sourced minerals.

In fact, Vemma NEXT was created primarily to address this growing nutritional problem, based on the following emerging research:

A recent study by the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine showed that 20% of 4 year olds are obese. In addition, a considerable number of children drastically under-consume vitamin C, fruits and vegetables.
The Kaiser Family Foundation found that more than a third of children and teen ads featured candy and snacks.
According to a recent Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine article, 40% of infants and toddlers had vitamin D levels below those optimal for bone health.
By the age of 3, a child’s brain is twice as active as an adult’s (North Dakota State University).

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