Nutritional Fasting for Your Physical, E

Nutritional Fasting for Your Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Health Fasting-4-Freedom & Heal-N-Sync Results of applying yourself upon completion... - Eliminate energy-draining food allergies so that you can reclaim time, productivity and vitality - Increase your mental focus and clarity through "living" foods and new, revitalizing eating habits - Lose weight and rid your belly of…Read more Nutritional Fasting for Your Physical, E

Are You Unknowingly Poisoning Yourself?

Are You Unknowingly Poisoning Yourself? 90% of people who take health supplements are poisoning themselves. How? If you've heard anything about Magnesium Stearate, or Stearic Acid as it is sometimes called, you know that vitamin and supplement bottles everywhere are loaded down with potentially dangerous and life endangering additives that don't need to be there.…Read more Are You Unknowingly Poisoning Yourself?